I’ve evolved the process of dying mills to add another dimension – glow. This mill was first dyed black and sanded back to give definition to the burl. It was then dyed with amber dye to give an overall golden glow. This was slightly sanded back and then dyed a third time with a diluted brown. The overall effect is burl that ‘pops’ yet has an underlying glow. The dyed mill was gently sanded with 600 grit paper to tamper the raised grain. It was then given a spray coat of precatalyzed sanding sealer followed by two coats of precatalyzed satin lacquer. After curing a few days, I sanded it back with 600 grit paper and went up to 2000 grit. This flattens the finish and gives it a soft gloss. I buffed it with a white diamond wheel to finish things off.